Our offer:

Criminal law

We are specialists in providing assistance in criminal law cases, including in particular offences in the area of capital market, fiscal criminal law and economic criminal law, the specificity of which is expressed in the very strong connection between criminal law and various aspects of the exercise of economic activity. 


Our many years of practice in providing legal services to entrepreneurs allows us to see the issue of criminal liability more broadly and the chances of exoneration from this liability in the case of so-called white collar crimes. We are distinguished above all by our ability to assess the risks, our comprehensive view of the case and our ability to aptly select a line of defence in a particular case. Above all, however, we pay attention to ensuring that the end result is the most beneficial to the client in terms of their priorities rather than our beliefs about what is best for the client.


§ Criminal Cases

We carry out the defence of clients and the representation of victims, in felony and misdemeanour cases, at both the pre-trial and trial and enforcement stages. We provide support from the first moment a client comes to us for assistance – starting with the issuing of a charging order against him or her, and sometimes even earlier when he or she expects such an order to be made against him or her.

§ Commercial criminal cases

We offer a full range of legal services for defence and representation at all stages of criminal proceedings, taking into account the specific nature of the business and the business position and image of our clients. In this area, we specialise in particular in cases involving: fraud, abuse of power in business transactions, extortion of credit, extortion of damages, offences committed to the detriment of creditors (frustration of satisfaction, divestment of assets, favouritism of creditors).

§ Criminal cases in the capital market area

We conduct cases in the field of trading in financial instruments, advising victims and defendants in proceedings relating in particular to breaches of professional secrecy in trading in financial instruments, disclosure or use of inside information and manipulation of financial instruments. Our extensive experience and knowledge of providing legal services to capital market operators allows us to provide a comprehensive view of the case and appropriate representation, primarily based on a proper understanding of the processes involved in the trading of financial instruments.

§ Criminal fiscal matters

We offer every taxpayer suspected or accused of committing a fiscal offence defence and representation in fiscal penal matters, in particular: we advise at the stage of inspection proceedings, represent our clients in preliminary and court proceedings, taking into account in each case the advisability and grounds for using active contrition or the institution of voluntary submission to liability.

§ Offence cases

We offer legal services to parties to offence proceedings – victims and defendants – and in particular we provide active representation in pre-trial proceedings and before courts of all instances.


Piotr Konopka

Are you still looking for answers?

My name is Piotr Konopka and I am an attorney specialising in criminal and non-criminal matters. I have experience in handling cases in the area of broadly defined economic criminal law, in particular involving so-called stock market crimes, fraud and so-called VAT carousels. Do you have any questions? I’d be happy to help!